roasted kumara curried mint yoghurt quick onion pickle

Roasted kumara with curried mint yoghurt and quick onion pickle

This recipe sticks to my rule of sharing plates, with the yoghurt ‘base’, roasted kumara ‘body’, and onion pickle ‘lift’ to finish. I choose to keep the kumara wedges rather large as it makes each serving appear heartier, but you can easily cut the kumara smaller if desired - just adjust cooking times accordingly.

Top Tip - double the quick onion pickle and keep the other half in the fridge for an instant flavour boost to any meal.

hands-on time

15 minutes

60 minutes

total time


6 as a side


Quick onion pickle

½ lemon

½ medium red onion, sliced thinly

1 tbsp chopped mint

¼ tsp sea salt

Roasted kumara

3 medium orange kumaras (approx. 350g each), scrubbed

4 tbsp olive oil

1 tsp ground cinnamon

½ tsp cayenne pepper (optional)

½ tsp sea salt

½ tsp cracked black pepper

75g pecans

finely grated zest of ½ lemon, to serve

Curried mint yoghurt

200g Greek-style coconut yoghurt

1 tbsp maple syrup

1 tbsp soy sauce

1 ½ tsp curry powder

1 tsp dijon mustard

juice of ½ lemon

1 tbsp apple cider vinegar

2 tbsp chopped mint, plus extra to serve

sea salt, to taste


Preheat the oven to 190°C fan-forced (or 210°C conventional).

For the quick onion pickle, finely grate the zest of the lemon half into a medium bowl. Place a small frying pan over medium-high heat. Once hot, place the half lemon, cut side facing down, into the pan and cook until the cut side is starting to blacken. Squeeze the juice from the lemon into the bowl with the zest. Add the sliced red onion, chopped mint and sea salt. Set aside to pickle as you make the kumara.

For the kumara, slice the kumara lengthways into quarters. Place in a large roasting dish, cut sides facing upwards. Drizzle with the oil to generously coat, and sprinkle with the cinnamon, cayenne pepper, sea salt and pepper. Cover the roasting dish with aluminium foil and roast for 20 minutes. Remove the foil, flip the kumara upside down so the skins are facing upwards, and roast for a further 20 minutes. Scatter the pecans around the kumara and roast for a final 10 minutes, until the kumara are cooked through, with a knife easily piercing through the flesh, and the nuts are golden. Remove from the oven and set aside for 5 minutes. On a board, roughly chop the roasted pecans.

For the yoghurt, in a medium bowl whisk together the ingredients and season to taste.

To serve, spoon half the yoghurt onto the base of a serving platter and spread out with the back of a spoon. Layer the roasted kumara on top, cut side facing upwards. Spoon over the remaining yoghurt, top with the pickled onions, then sprinkle with the chopped pecans, lemon zest, and extra chopped mint. Serve warm.